esperans ambassadors
June 2020
Esperans Ambassadors are firm supporters of the radio who are not only faithful members of CLUB FIDELITE but who also go the extra mile in promoting the radio, its programs, and events in their states and beyond. Ambassadors are the hands and feet of the radio in their geographic areas. They are highly creative and physically assist in carrying out the mission and vision of Radio Esperans. On a monthly basis and definitely not in order of importance, we will feature one of those wonderful individuals from each of the states where we have a frequency. Where you are able, please help us say a big THANK YOU!

Marie Lourdes Theodore: Esperans Ambassador in New York
Helping to hold down the fort in the Big Apple is our very own Sr. Marie Lourdes Theodore. A listener since our second year of operation, sister Theodore has made every effort to attend all out-of-state Esperans events! At times she encounters great difficulty, but we can always count on her presence, often traveling with her beautiful daughter. She remains a powerful force behind Radio Esperans motivating people to listen, participating in the shows, supporting the Marathon, making referrals, and distributing radios. Sr. Theodore is indeed, an incredibly special friend of the radio.

Adeline Jean: Esperans Ambassador in Atlanta
Sr. Adeline has been supporting the radio since we started. She serves as Captain of the Atlanta Marathon Team and is the ultimate cheerleader. Her voice is heard on all the live shows encouraging the hosts and gently motivating listeners to not only support the radio but to also make progress in their own personal lives. She has purchased and distributed radios to countless individuals within her reach and when it comes to word of mouth, Sr. Adeline runs her own advertising campaign. We are truly blessed to have Sr. Adeline in our corner.
Sr. Francesca Aime, in the Boston area, is deserving of the title Ambassador. She has proven her loyalty and dedication to Radio Esperans time and time again over the years. Sr. Francesca never shows fatigue in promoting the cause of Radio Esperans. She has been instrumental in getting her entire church to purchase radios and become listeners. Her enthusiasm, creativity and love of the Gospel have resulted in massive strides for evangelism and the Kingdom of God. May the Lord continue to bless Sr. Francesca's efforts, may she forever remain in our midst.

Francesca Aime: Esperans Ambassador in Boston
One of our great assets in the Orlando area is Sr. Marie Delerme, who not only supports the radio, but also uses her culinary expertise to bless us. She is generous with her time especially in planning the logistics for our Orlando event. To demonstrate her devotion to Esperans, Sr. Marie attended every one of the Citywide Fasting Services held in 2019. Like the others, she is a great support of the annual Marathon and encourages individuals in Orlando, Tampa and especially Miami to tune in to Radio Esperans. Sr. Marie Delerme is well appreciated as an Esperans Ambassador.

Marie Delerme: Esperans Ambassador in Orlando
Words are not enough to convey our deep appreciation for this wonderful woman of God. A true friend to Radio Esperans, sister Adania never slows down in promoting our programming and events in her State of New Jersey. The 2019 Citywide Fasting event in New Jersey was a great success, due in part, to her enthusiasm and persistence. From distributing flyers, to praying, to making calls, this Sister remains committed to the cause. She also works diligently to place radios in as many homes as possible. As the radio continues to press forward, we will always remember that after God, our success comes from the efforts of great supporters like Sr. Adania.